Chaotic good. Bad at math. Queer as hell! The unlikeliest of heroes sets off on an adventure to save the land of Emaralia... and find her mom. Which may prove a tad more dangerous than expected.

Series Status

Ongoing - First season / arc

Episode Frequency & Length

1-2 Hours

Type & Channels

Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Pocket Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Twitter, Instagram, Website
Try Not To Die
Chaotic good. Bad at math. Queer as hell! The unlikeliest of heroes sets off on an adventure to save the land of Emaralia... and find her mom. Which may prove a tad more dangerous than expected.

Rules & Source Material

Home Brew, Game Book / Manual
Dungeons and Dragons 5E
Almost True Play, Rule of Cool, Comedy, Home Brew Rules

Format, Setting & Vulgarity

Single Continuous Campaign / Season
Gore and Violence, Sexual Theme, Swearing / Cursing

DM Type (New)

Cast & Player Characters

Disabled / Neurodivergent, Non-Binary, Trans, Female, Childhood Friends, Multiple DMs / GMs, All Knowledgeable of the Rules, Mostly Knowledgeable of the Rules, Some First Time Players
Fighter, Magic User

Cast Voice Distinctness

Totally Unique

Audio Quality & Equipment

XLR Mics, In Studio, Audio improves within first 10 episodes
Includes Music, Includes Sound Effects, Includes Original Compositions, Includes Credits for Music and Effects Used

Editing Style

Fully Edited , Mastered

Video (if applicable)