A team of new adventurers seat out from the town of Oakhurst to figure out the source of some poisoned apples, finding a reluctant dragon and a cult leader.
Series Status
Completely Finished
Episode Frequency & Length
30-60 Minutes
Type & Channels
Podcast, Video Upload
Apple Podcasts, Youtube, Website
Total Party Kill: Adventurers' Pyramid
A team of new adventurers seat out from the town of Oakhurst to figure out the source of some poisoned apples, finding a reluctant dragon and a cult leader.
Rules & Source Material
Game Book / Manual
Dungeons and Dragons 5E
Strict True Play
Format, Setting & Vulgarity
Single Continuous Campaign / Season
DM Type (New)
Cast & Player Characters
Female, Male, Some First Time Players
Fighter, Magic User, Healer, Sneaky, Druid
Cast Voice Distinctness
Fairly Distinct
Audio Quality & Equipment
USB Mics, XLR Mics, At Home
Editing Style
Fully Edited
Video (if applicable)
Video Conference App