Throne Atop Sands is a livestreamed Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Actual Play set in the fantastical world of Sharei-Laio! A vibrant and colourful world that has taken inspiriation from Japanese and Indian Folklore, Anime and Video Games to create a diverse and unique non-Eurocentric setting that is explored by our amazing Cast.Join Lo Ni-Ko the teenage Bard taking her first steps into becoming a shaman; Lasera her faithful but clumsy guardian; 10FI 80Y a Mechanical Flourist who has rebooted after half a century out of service; Pymera, druid searching for the final book of her favourite series and finallly Rocky, the Cowboy Samurai whos come to bring honour to his family and bring them home!
Series Status
Ongoing - First season / arc
Episode Frequency & Length
2-3 Hours
Type & Channels
Live Stream, Video Upload
Youtube, Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, Discord
Throne Atop Sands
Throne Atop Sands is a livestreamed Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Actual Play set in the fantastical world of Sharei-Laio! A vibrant and colourful world that has taken inspiriation from Japanese and Indian Folklore, Anime and Video Games to create a diverse and unique non-Eurocentric setting that is explored by our amazing Cast.Join Lo Ni-Ko the teenage Bard taking her first steps into becoming a shaman; Lasera her faithful but clumsy guardian; 10FI 80Y a Mechanical Flourist who has rebooted after half a century out of service; Pymera, druid searching for the final book of her favourite series and finallly Rocky, the Cowboy Samurai whos come to bring honour to his family and bring them home!
Rules & Source Material
Home Brew
Dungeons and Dragons 5E
Almost True Play, Rule of Cool, Comedy, Home Brew Rules
Format, Setting & Vulgarity
Single Continuous Campaign / Season, Multiple Arcs / Seasons
Child-Friendly, Gore and Violence, Swearing / Cursing
DM Type (New)
Cast & Player Characters
LGBTQ+, BIMPOC, POC, Female, Male, Multicultural, Childhood Friends, Co-Workers, Random Mix, Mostly Knowledgeable of the Rules, Some First Time Players
Fighter, Magic User, Healer, Sneaky, Druid
Cast Voice Distinctness
Fairly Distinct
Audio Quality & Equipment
Conference Call, USB Mics, XLR Mics, Audio improves within first 10 episodes
Includes Music, Includes Sound Effects, Includes Original Compositions
Editing Style
Raw Upload
Video (if applicable)
High Definition, On-Screen Elements