THE CHIMERA is an actual play RPG podcast that brings you strange fiction across a variety of genres and game systems.We specialize in creating strange, unusual, and unlikely characters (demonic bellhops, golems built from the remains of legendary artifacts, living financial instruments, werewolf gym coaches, etc.), and then tailoring the mechanics and the world to make them work.

Series Status

Ongoing - Multiple seasons / arcs

Episode Frequency & Length

1-2 Hours

Type & Channels

Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Website
The Chimera
THE CHIMERA is an actual play RPG podcast that brings you strange fiction across a variety of genres and game systems.We specialize in creating strange, unusual, and unlikely characters (demonic bellhops, golems built from the remains of legendary artifacts, living financial instruments, werewolf gym coaches, etc.), and then tailoring the mechanics and the world to make them work.

Rules & Source Material

Home Brew, Game Book / Manual
Older Dungeons and Dragons, World of Darkness, Indie / Original System
Almost True Play, Very Casual, Comedy, Home Brew Rules

Format, Setting & Vulgarity

Single Continuous Campaign / Season, Multiple Arcs / Seasons
Fantasy, IRL, Space, Horror
Gore and Violence, Swearing / Cursing, Substance Abuse

DM Type (New)

Cast & Player Characters

Disabled / Neurodivergent, Female, Male, Multiple DMs / GMs, Mostly Knowledgeable of the Rules
Fighter, Magic User, Sneaky, Tinkerer, Villain / Anti-Hero, Custom Classes

Cast Voice Distinctness

Fairly Distinct

Audio Quality & Equipment

USB Mics, XLR Mics, At Home, Audio improves within first 10 episodes
Includes Music, Includes Credits for Music and Effects Used

Editing Style

Fully Edited

Video (if applicable)