Terra Nullius. No Man’s Land. There is a new world to be explored—land to be conquered, monsters to be killed, and treasure to be taken. When a ragtag band of adventurers is hired by a Spanish lord to stake out a claim in the jungles of the New World, their lives are changed forever when they become embroiled in a tale of ancient myths, dark secrets, and a cosmic war of deific proportions.
Series Status
Completely Finished
Episode Frequency & Length
3+ Hours
Type & Channels
Live Stream, Video Upload
Terra Nullius
Terra Nullius. No Man’s Land. There is a new world to be explored—land to be conquered, monsters to be killed, and treasure to be taken. When a ragtag band of adventurers is hired by a Spanish lord to stake out a claim in the jungles of the New World, their lives are changed forever when they become embroiled in a tale of ancient myths, dark secrets, and a cosmic war of deific proportions.
Rules & Source Material
Home Brew, Game Book / Manual
Dungeons and Dragons 5E
Almost True Play, Home Brew Rules
Format, Setting & Vulgarity
Multiple Arcs / Seasons
Fantasy, Historical Era
Gore and Violence, Substance Abuse
DM Type (New)
Cast & Player Characters
Female, Male, Total Strangers, All Knowledgeable of the Rules
Fighter, Magic User, Healer, Musical, Sneaky, Druid, Tinkerer
Cast Voice Distinctness
Fairly Distinct
Audio Quality & Equipment
Conference Call, USB Mics, XLR Mics, At Home, Uneven Levels, Some Background Noise, Hear Dice Roll, Audio improves within first 25 episodes
Editing Style
Minor Editing
Video (if applicable)
Video Conference App, On-Screen Elements