Superhero Subtember is a six episode series with a rotating cast that was organized to raise funds for the National Network of Abortion Funds using Masks in a way that is probably not the way it was intended.

Series Status

Completely Finished

Episode Frequency & Length

2-3 Hours

Type & Channels

Live Stream, Video Upload
Superhero Subtember
Superhero Subtember is a six episode series with a rotating cast that was organized to raise funds for the National Network of Abortion Funds using Masks in a way that is probably not the way it was intended.

Rules & Source Material

Game Book / Manual, Other IP / Universe
Almost True Play, Rule of Cool, Comedy, PVP

Format, Setting & Vulgarity

Single Continuous Campaign / Season
Gore and Violence, Swearing / Cursing, Substance Abuse

DM Type (New)

Cast & Player Characters

LGBTQ+, BIMPOC, POC, Disabled / Neurodivergent, Non-Binary, Trans, Female, Male, Multicultural, Random Mix, Multiple DMs / GMs, Some First Time Players
Fighter, Magic User, Sneaky, Tinkerer, Villain / Anti-Hero

Cast Voice Distinctness

Totally Unique

Audio Quality & Equipment

Conference Call, USB Mics, Some Background Noise, Cannot Hear Dice
Includes Music

Editing Style

Minor Editing

Video (if applicable)

Single Camera, Video Conference App, On-Screen Elements