Shenanigoons: Book of FaeblesThe sorta-fairytale D&D adventure where YOU contribute to the chaos! Join our heroes every Tuesday night and help them unleash some wild magic on a world of clockwork overlords. Laughs, tears, feels, and friendship! And dice, can't forget the dice.LIVE ON TWITCHTuesdays @ 7pm PST | 10pm ESThttps://www.twitch.tv/wearenerdsmithSPONSORED BY:Die Hard Dice - https://www.dieharddice.comWorld Anvil - https://www.worldanvil.comEldritch Foundry - https://eldritch-foundry.com/?via=nerdsmithSTARRING: Angela as the Dungeon Master - https://twitter.com/Darling_GypsumKyle as Harlund, the firbolg wild magic sorcerer - https://twitter.com/XGrimsbyTessa as Paru, the goblin(?) druid, circle of spores - https://twitter.com/selkiedreamsKris as Olliyette, the tiefling bard, college of spirits - https://twitter.com/kissofhemlockHeather as Beyza, the goa eldritch knight fighter - https://twitter.com/amethyst_magickSUPPORT US ON PATREON AThttps://www.patreon.com/nerdsmithCHECK OUT OUR NETWORK AT http://nerdsmith.org
Series Status
Ongoing - First season / arc
Episode Frequency & Length
2-3 Hours
Type & Channels
Live Stream, Video Upload
Youtube, Twitch
Shenanigoons: Book of Fables
Shenanigoons: Book of FaeblesThe sorta-fairytale D&D adventure where YOU contribute to the chaos! Join our heroes every Tuesday night and help them unleash some wild magic on a world of clockwork overlords. Laughs, tears, feels, and friendship! And dice, can't forget the dice.LIVE ON TWITCHTuesdays @ 7pm PST | 10pm ESThttps://www.twitch.tv/wearenerdsmithSPONSORED BY:Die Hard Dice - https://www.dieharddice.comWorld Anvil - https://www.worldanvil.comEldritch Foundry - https://eldritch-foundry.com/?via=nerdsmithSTARRING: Angela as the Dungeon Master - https://twitter.com/Darling_GypsumKyle as Harlund, the firbolg wild magic sorcerer - https://twitter.com/XGrimsbyTessa as Paru, the goblin(?) druid, circle of spores - https://twitter.com/selkiedreamsKris as Olliyette, the tiefling bard, college of spirits - https://twitter.com/kissofhemlockHeather as Beyza, the goa eldritch knight fighter - https://twitter.com/amethyst_magickSUPPORT US ON PATREON AThttps://www.patreon.com/nerdsmithCHECK OUT OUR NETWORK AT http://nerdsmith.org
Rules & Source Material
Home Brew, Game Book / Manual
Dungeons and Dragons 5E
Almost True Play, Rule of Cool, Comedy, Home Brew Rules
Format, Setting & Vulgarity
Multiple Arcs / Seasons
Swearing / Cursing, Substance Abuse
DM Type (New)
Cast & Player Characters
Professional Voice Actors, Minor Celebrities / Influencers, LGBTQ+, BIMPOC, POC, Female, Male, Childhood Friends, Co-Workers, Mostly Knowledgeable of the Rules
Fighter, Magic User, Healer, Musical, Sneaky, Druid, Villain / Anti-Hero, Custom Classes
Cast Voice Distinctness
Totally Unique
Audio Quality & Equipment
XLR Mics, At Home, Audio improves within first 10 episodes
Includes Music
Editing Style
Raw Upload
Video (if applicable)
High Definition, Video Conference App, On-Screen Elements