Pink Fohawk is an ENnie-Nominated actual play podcast set in the Shadowrun universe.Follow the story of two rad shadowrunners: Tina Bonemeal, a 9.5-foot-tall troll bruiser and wannabe actress, and John Anderson, ex-company man and Aikido black belt, as they try to make names for themselves in the streets of 2053 Seattle.Just a couple of chummers up to no good, making trouble in the neighborhood.Content Warning: Pink Fohawk is a crass, vulgar, violent, and raunchy podcast full of 80s edginess that is meant for immature adult audiences only.
Series Status
Ongoing - First season / arc
Episode Frequency & Length
1-2 Hours
Type & Channels
Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Pocket Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Discord, Reddit
Pink Fohawk
Pink Fohawk is an ENnie-Nominated actual play podcast set in the Shadowrun universe.Follow the story of two rad shadowrunners: Tina Bonemeal, a 9.5-foot-tall troll bruiser and wannabe actress, and John Anderson, ex-company man and Aikido black belt, as they try to make names for themselves in the streets of 2053 Seattle.Just a couple of chummers up to no good, making trouble in the neighborhood.Content Warning: Pink Fohawk is a crass, vulgar, violent, and raunchy podcast full of 80s edginess that is meant for immature adult audiences only.
Rules & Source Material
Game Book / Manual
Almost True Play, Rule of Cool, Very Casual, Comedy, PVP
Format, Setting & Vulgarity
Single Continuous Campaign / Season, Multiple Arcs / Seasons
Gore and Violence, Sexual Theme, Swearing / Cursing, Substance Abuse
DM Type (New)
Cast & Player Characters
Professional Voice Actors, Female, Male, Childhood Friends, Total Strangers, Mostly Knowledgeable of the Rules, Some First Time Players, All First Time Players
Fighter, Sneaky, Custom Classes
Cast Voice Distinctness
Totally Unique
Audio Quality & Equipment
USB Mics, XLR Mics, At Home, In Studio, Hear Dice Roll
Includes Music, Includes Sound Effects, Includes Original Compositions, Includes Credits for Music and Effects Used
Editing Style
Fully Edited , Mastered