Set in the forgottens realms thirty years after the events of the 5th edition adventure books. The series centers around a group of unlikely heroes as they work to restore a long dispanded adventuring academy to full operation while dealing with cunning adversaries, and their own demons. This homebrew adventure takes elements of the established forgotten realms lore and mixes it up with a few new additions. Sending its party to familiar and newly imagined locations, with occasional guest stars dropping in on the fun. The story is an ongoing saga but you can drop in at the start of any season and pick things up pretty easily. The channel also does off-the-wall one-shots and collaborations with game creators of other RPG systems.

Series Status

Ongoing - Multiple seasons / arcs

Episode Frequency & Length

2-3 Hours

Type & Channels

Live Stream
Youtube, Twitch
Mercenaries of Mischief
Set in the forgottens realms thirty years after the events of the 5th edition adventure books. The series centers around a group of unlikely heroes as they work to restore a long dispanded adventuring academy to full operation while dealing with cunning adversaries, and their own demons. This homebrew adventure takes elements of the established forgotten realms lore and mixes it up with a few new additions. Sending its party to familiar and newly imagined locations, with occasional guest stars dropping in on the fun. The story is an ongoing saga but you can drop in at the start of any season and pick things up pretty easily. The channel also does off-the-wall one-shots and collaborations with game creators of other RPG systems.

Rules & Source Material

Home Brew
Dungeons and Dragons 5E
Rule of Cool, Home Brew Rules

Format, Setting & Vulgarity

Single Continuous Campaign / Season, Multiple Arcs / Seasons, One-Shots
Swearing / Cursing

DM Type (New)

Cast & Player Characters

Minor Celebrities / Influencers, Female, Male
Fighter, Magic User, Healer, Musical, Sneaky, Druid, Tinkerer

Cast Voice Distinctness

Totally Unique

Audio Quality & Equipment

Conference Call, USB Mics, At Home, Audio improves within first 10 episodes
Includes Music, Includes Sound Effects

Editing Style

Minor Editing

Video (if applicable)

High Definition, Multiple Cameras, Video Conference App, On-Screen Elements