Knocked Prone is a clean, chaotic, and deep podcast for Dungeons & Dragons nerds! Follow along with Dungeon Master Kade Backus for this family friendly actual play podcast featuring a crew of talented story-telling voice actors as they explore the fantastical realm of the Badlands, filled with pop culture references, lovable NPCs, a purgatory themed murder mystery, and legendary tales!

Series Status

Ongoing - Multiple seasons / arcs

Episode Frequency & Length

30-60 Minutes

Type & Channels

Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Discord, Website
Knocked Prone - Dungeons and Dragons Podcast
Knocked Prone is a clean, chaotic, and deep podcast for Dungeons & Dragons nerds! Follow along with Dungeon Master Kade Backus for this family friendly actual play podcast featuring a crew of talented story-telling voice actors as they explore the fantastical realm of the Badlands, filled with pop culture references, lovable NPCs, a purgatory themed murder mystery, and legendary tales!

Rules & Source Material

Home Brew
Dungeons and Dragons 5E
Almost True Play, Rule of Cool, Comedy, Home Brew Rules

Format, Setting & Vulgarity

Single Continuous Campaign / Season, Multiple Arcs / Seasons
Fantasy, Dystopia, Horror

DM Type (New)

Cast & Player Characters

LGBTQ+, Female, Male, Family, Childhood Friends, All Knowledgeable of the Rules
Fighter, Magic User, Healer, Druid, Tinkerer, Villain / Anti-Hero, Custom Classes

Cast Voice Distinctness

Fairly Distinct

Audio Quality & Equipment

XLR Mics, In Studio, Audio improves within first 10 episodes
Includes Music, Includes Sound Effects

Editing Style

Fully Edited , Mastered

Video (if applicable)

High Definition, Multiple Cameras