Fey Earth is an indie ttrpg set in an alternate 19th century Earth where all the creatures from folklore and fairy tale are real and have always lived alongside humanity. It is a world where magic and industry are merging. There are everyday elements of magitech in peoples lives but true spellcasters are rare. The Fey in Fey Earth are faithful depictions based on folklore so while you will see names you are familiar with you may be surprised to discover the true might and power of these beings.
Series Status
Ongoing - First season / arc
Episode Frequency & Length
1-2 Hours
Type & Channels
Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Youtube, Twitch, Twitter, TikTok
Fey Earth
Fey Earth is an indie ttrpg set in an alternate 19th century Earth where all the creatures from folklore and fairy tale are real and have always lived alongside humanity. It is a world where magic and industry are merging. There are everyday elements of magitech in peoples lives but true spellcasters are rare. The Fey in Fey Earth are faithful depictions based on folklore so while you will see names you are familiar with you may be surprised to discover the true might and power of these beings.
Rules & Source Material
Game Book / Manual
Indie / Original System
Almost True Play, Rule of Cool, Very Casual
Format, Setting & Vulgarity
Multiple Arcs / Seasons
Historical Era
Swearing / Cursing
DM Type (New)
Cast & Player Characters
BIMPOC, Female, Male, Family, All Knowledgeable of the Rules
Fighter, Magic User, Healer, Sneaky, Custom Classes
Cast Voice Distinctness
Fairly Distinct
Audio Quality & Equipment
USB Mics, Little Quiet, Audio improves within first 25 episodes
Editing Style
Minor Editing