Four friends with varying levels of theater background roll some dice and tell some stories.
Series Status
Ongoing - Multiple seasons / arcs
Episode Frequency & Length
30-60 Minutes
Type & Channels
Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts
Another Path
Four friends with varying levels of theater background roll some dice and tell some stories.
Rules & Source Material
Game Book / Manual, Other IP / Universe
Dungeons and Dragons 5E
Almost True Play, Rule of Cool, Comedy
Format, Setting & Vulgarity
Multiple Arcs / Seasons
Swearing / Cursing, Substance Abuse
DM Type (New)
Cast & Player Characters
All Knowledgeable of the Rules
Fighter, Musical, Druid
Cast Voice Distinctness
Fairly Distinct
Audio Quality & Equipment
USB Mics, At Home, Hear Dice Roll, Audio improves within first 10 episodes
Includes Music, Includes Sound Effects
Editing Style
Fully Edited , Mastered